作者:Jim McDonALD October 7, 3019
吉姆. 麦克当那 3019年10月7日
Last week ended with a mix of good and bad news. There were a couple of encouraging legal developments, and two governors admitted they didn’t have authority to ban flavored vapes by executive order. Unfortunately, two other governors did. More lawsuits are being heard too.The bottom line: it was an awful week, but not as bad as the hell week that came before it.
There are good things happening too. More mainstream reporters are asking hard questions about the vape bans and how they will affect people who’ve used e-cigs to quit smoking. And huge numbers of vapers are joining Twitter to challenge ban-happy politicians and activist anti-vaping organizations directly.
当然也有好事发生。更多主流报道开始针对禁令问更多的问题:我们用来戒烟的产品怎么会影响人们。有更多的vapers 直接加入了推特上的挑战禁令活动或者直接挑战反VAPING 联盟。
All the new activity by angry vapers has resulted in at least one ridiculous story accusing the vape industry of using astroturf tactics to promote the #wevapewevote hashtag. We’re getting noticed! We’re also coming together.
所有气愤的vapers的新活动导致了一个可笑的故事:他们开始指责Vape行业采取草皮战术 来推广#我们vape, 我们投票这个话题。我们被注意到了,我们正团结在一起.
Today is National Save Vaping Day. The idea is for businesses to focus on helping consumer advocacy by donating a portion of their profits to the American Vaping Association (AVA) and the Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA). Everyone can help by patronizing businesses that take part.