很高兴向大家宣布,经过公司设计团队半年来的努力,今天,爱奇迹电子烟正式启用新的logo。新的logo更简练,更符合现代的设计趋势。Logo保留Heaven Gifts的首字母“H”、“G”作为主要元素,整体外观如一对展翅翱翔的翅膀,体现了公司广阔的发展前景,蕴含了爱奇迹正向,奋斗,共赢的企业价值观,鞭策全体爱奇迹人,不断努力进取,为广大客户创造更大的价值,为每个人带来更好的vaping体验。聚力同行,合作共赢,我们珍视长久以来的合作和伙伴关系!没有什么比第一时间和我们朋友来分享这个激动人心的消息更好了!很高兴在这里与大家分享这份喜悦。
Dear fellow friends,
With great joy and honor, we hereby announce Heaven Gifts has renewed a brand new logo!
This new logo is more concise and modern,and of course more in line with design tendency.
It remains the capital of Heaven Gifts, 'H' 'G' as its main element. The integral appearance is like pair of soaring wings.
The design not only reflects but also contains positive values, hard work and shared success of our company's value.
This logo shall lead us to make efforts and progress constantly, create more values for our customers and bring everyone a better vaping experience!
We treasure our cooperation and long business relationship since the very start! There is nothing better than sharing with our friends of this exciting news first!